Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Anti Iraq War March

The March 17, 2007 anti-war Rally and March was great to be at. Unfortunately, the Rally part was disappointing. There were alot of high school students who were called up to speak, and all they did was mouth Socialist, cliched phrases. Very dated and not addressing our American frustration with the Bush Administration. On and on they went, teenage speaker after teenage speaker (yawn). Not one of them addressed the reasons George W. Bush invaded Iraq: to avenge his Daddy's honor and to control the oil in Iraq.

Not one of them remembered the thousands who died on September 11, 2001, and how Bush has dishonored them by equating that event as a reason to invade Iraq.

The March was held in Hollywood and before it began, two senior citizens showed up with huge banners and a bullhorn condeming us, in Jesus' name, for holding this event. Hopefully, before these two old guys die, they will realize that they have been living in blasphemy. If not, then they will realize it at the moment of their death.

There was also a small pro-Iraq war contingent near the end of the March. When I showed them my sign, "W Disgraces Our White House", it caused them to pause. I hope they come to their senses before their death as well.

A high point was when the March passed the Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center. A huge banner read, "The Iraq war is immoral, not Gay Troops!" Right on!

I signed a banner that was going to be sent to Bush. I wrote, "Fire Cheney, then resign!"

I also got (this being Hollywood) Martin Sheen to autograph my sign. I'm glad he shows up at these events, and does it quietly.

Remember, never again shall we allow such incompetence to disgrace our White House. Tell everyone you know, and get everyone, everyone you know to register and vote! The reason our elected officials - from the mayor in your town to the current President - are such poor quality, is because the majority of eligible voters DO NOT VOTE! Change that! Change that in your circle and in your family!

And lastly, God Bless ALL Nations, no exceptions!

Friday, March 9, 2007

WAR IS OVER! (We Have Voted)

In Los Angeles, California there will be a protest against the terrible and unjustified invasion of Iraq by the incompetent administration of George W. Bush.

The protest is scheduled for Saturday, March 17, 2007 at noon at the corner of Hollywood and Vine.

I will be carrying a double sign that will read on one side "WAR IS OVER! (We Have Voted)" and on the other, "Never Again Shall We Allow Such Incompetence To Disgrace our White House!"

If you don't live in Los Angeles, please organize one in your town!